
The primary function of the committees is to benefit the members’ government officials in their respective areas of responsibility. In addition, committees can provide a low-threshold means of getting involved in the activities of the organisation. The committees have a chair (and possibly a vice-chair). The committees operate mainly independently of each other. Operation happens in the Penkeree’s organisation discord.


Penkere Students Rights and Equality Committee            

Penkere Wellbeing and Environment Committee 

Penkere Event Committee

Penkere International Committee

The Events

How to use Condus’ event calendar

  • Log in with admin in https://calendar/google.com  (The admin that your organisation has received. If not please contact Condus. )
  • Choose your organisation’s colour from the sidebar.
  • Make a new booking for that time your event is happening
  • Write down the event’s name and short description, for example does the event have tickets etc.
  • Mention also where and when the event is organized
  • Write down if the  event is open for all students

Condus has many kinds of events annually. They are open for all member organisations students. In addition we like to support our member organisations events for example through advertising or visibility. We have annual events such as the anniversary party, sitsit, Condus Amazing Race, Fuksiaiset for freshmen, Laskiainen and Vappu.


Sitsis are an academic table party, mainly consisting of singing drinking songs, having fun, eating and drinking.  There is a master of ceremonies, who leads the party, gives speeches and closes the ceremonies when the time comes. It’s a good idea to buy your own songbook for the sessions, where you can collect greetings from your fellow students. At the end of the songs, it is customary to skool. Usually, there is a theme to the sitz.

Annual party 

An anniversary party is a prestigious and exclusive academic evening party to celebrate the anniversary of a subject or student organisation.  At the annual party, you enjoy a three-course dinner, listen to speeches and watch great performances. The celebrations continue with a continuation of the party and a continuation of the evening with a herring breakfast. Condus’ annual party takes place in the spring.

May aka Vappu

Students’ May Day is one of the most boisterous events of the year. For about a month, students celebrate May Day with a variety of smaller events before the actual May Day celebrations. On May Day, there is a big interdisciplinary party, followed by a picnic on Ullanlinnamäki on May Day. #vapueilopu#wabuneverends


You can contact Condus student rights via email edunvalvonta[a]condus.fi


Condus student rights oversees that students are taken into account in the faculty’s decision making process. We also support the student interest issues in organisations and in student representatives work. Condus’ student rights communicates with many different directions such as associations, faculty’s administration or with HYY. 

Our issues regard for example compulsory courses for all students (such as mass- or method courses), inquiries, advancing faculty’s practices or co-operating with faculty’s administration and personnel. We also cooperate with organisations students and student rights correspondents, concerning major specific issues.


Student Representatives are chosen by students to organs where they can impact on decisions regarding students welfare and studies. You can apply to be a student representative in HYY or in our faculty. Every faculty has their own organs to impact and you can apply to your own faculty’s organs. The task is usually one term (two calendar years) and different kinds of representative places open up annually. We need new representatives every year! 

You can support student representatives by giving them feedback or contacting them directly or via your student organisation.

Welfare and environment

The correspondents of welfare and environment support members of Condus in welfare and look after Condus’ operation as environmentally responsible and sustainable. In practise correspondents execute assignments such as to check the Ambitions for the environment and welfare document annually, executing and supporting operations that follow the document and co-operating with faculty concerning environmental and welfare issues.

Correspondents also organize the operation of Penkere Wellbeing and Environment Committee. Every student from our faculty is welcome to join the operation! 

Welfare and environmental content and post can be found also from our instagram account .